“Non progredi est regredi”

My alma mater has Latin moto “non progredi est regredi” to keep students in constant motion.

Similarly, athletes apply the approach of interval training to their runs. They split each mile into small fast and slow intervals. Every fast run interval is alternated with a slow one, which allows to recharge and put high energy into a following fast interval. As training progresses the duration of an intense run increases, and slower ones become shorter. In a such way the trainee gets to a solid mile.

Japanese Kaizen philosophy directly formulates a need to focus on a 1% improvement goal with a steady sustainable pace. Once achieved, formulate the next 1%, and repeat the process.

Stay motivated as growth can happen even faster if one can find a way to increase the number of turnarounds each year.

Bottom line. Continuous improvement and smaller steps matter.

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